Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This big critter came out to dine this evening above my front door. I had walked under him before I noticed. I'm glad he didn't leave before I could get my camera.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw this program about how scientists are looking at animals to find new ways to do things, and geckos were one of them.

Geckos feet are one of the stickiest things out there, but use no mucous or resins, or any 'sticky stuff' to stick to anything. Their feet are covered with little tiny (scales, hairs, things) that are so fine that they can grab onto surfaces almost at the molecular level!

A gecko has to curl it's toes upward toward it's foot to be able to pull it's foot off of whatever it's stuck to.

Anyway, they're using that same idea to make this super sticky tape.

Cool Gecko.